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Around the World in 21 days
If you dream of embarking on a 360 degree tour of the world, Ren Travel Guide shows how it can be done in a short space of time and on a budget.
“Around the world in three weeks? You must be joking?” That was the immediate reaction when I mentioned to friends I was planning a fast track tour of the globe. The misconception with round the world adventures is that it requires a large chunk of time. Of course traditionally gap year students and those on a career break made up the bulk of RTW bookings: but many others like me are bucking this trend, keen to head off on holiday with a one way ticket. Around the world trips made sense for lots of reasons and a lack of holiday days shouldn’t hinder you. However doing it in a short space of time does mean you really need to do your research on how much time will be spent in travelling whether by air or land. I was certain I didn’t want the memories of my big trip to be of departure lounges.
Further details coming soon!
Ren Travel Guide Around the World Tour
Amsterdam - London - Singapore - Kuala Lumpur- Hong Kong - Bejing - Tokyo - Los Angeles
New York - London - Amsterdam
Japan Rail Tour
Osaka - Kyoto - Hiroshima - Kobe -Shin Yamaguchi -Nagoya - Shin Fuiji - Yokohama- Tokyo
Amsterdam - London - Singapore - Kuala Lumpur - Melaka - Taipei - Den Pasar- Kuta - Ubud - Sydney - Hawaii - Los Angeles - Las Vegas - London - Amsterdam
Japan Rail Tour
Osaka- Kobe - Hiroshima - Kyoto - Fukouka - Kumamoto - Okayama - Miya Jima - Nara - Matsusaka - Nagoya - Hamamatsu -Shizouka - Shin Fuji - Yokohama - Nagano - Matsumoto - Shinagawa - Tokyo
Amsterdam - San Francisco - Auckland - Sydney - Hong Kong - Osaka - Matsusaka -
Nara - Macau - Amsterdam